HJOj_SKjmQIGQwfbde_0DpO42c0 That Drawer in the Kitchen: Black & White Working Together: These Men of Ferguson Step Up

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Black & White Working Together: These Men of Ferguson Step Up

With all the bullshit going on in Ferguson, Missouri over the past few weeks, here's a story that I haven't seen on any of the major news organizations.

With all the division that the race hustlers and the Barack Obama administration have tried to bring in the nation and particularly to Ferguson, Missouri, it's good to see a positive story. Several, well-armed black men stood guard around a business to protect it from looters and rioters. The catch is that the business was owned by a white man. What would cause these men to do such a thing in a town that seems hell bent on destruction of private property because they falsely believe a white policeman murdered a black man? Loyalty and jobs.

It's a very inspiring story, so click on over to Freedom Outpost and read the whole thing.

The men in this story are excellent role models for the youth of Ferguson.

God bless them.

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