HJOj_SKjmQIGQwfbde_0DpO42c0 That Drawer in the Kitchen: A Blogging Friend Celebrates Her 1st Blog Birthday!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

A Blogging Friend Celebrates Her 1st Blog Birthday!

I have recently been introduced to some new bloggers. You'll find many of them in the "Blogs in the Drawer" gadget on the left hand side bar. There are some very good blogs there, so when you get a chance I heartily urge you to go on a "Click & Read Binge".

One of the blogs listed in "Blogs in the Drawer", 25ToFly and the young lady who runs the place, Becca, is celebrating a very special occasion today - its First Blog Birthday. That may not seem like a big deal to many of you, but to a blogger, it's a helluva deal. Imagine if you will, trying to write something entertaining and witty every day of the year. Or almost every day of the year. As a blogger of two and a half years, let me tell you it ain't easy. At all. Hell, in my Facebook and Twitter timelines, I see many people struggle to write a coherent thought in 140 words or less. Imagine writing several hundred (or more) every day. Do you smell what the Junk Drawer is cookin'?

Back to 25ToFly...Becca notes: 
What you are about to read is an excerpt from my very first blog post, written exactly one year ago to date and apparently before I knew what a tag or a decent title was.

This post will mark the beginning of an experiment for me.  Today will be spent exploring this place, and figuring out what it is all about. I have a specific job in mind for the future, in a place far from where I am now. Being efficient in WordPress is one of the skills I will need if I ever hope to get there. If my course changes between now and then, I can, at the very least, eliminate “Create a Blog” from my bucket list. [...]

Becca is a very talented young woman and she has an inspirational story to tell about how blogging has changed her life.
I'm sure that she would love to hear from you, so click on over to 25ToFly for the rest of the story, get inspired and wish Becca a Happy Blog Birthday!
This story is now safely tucked away in That Drawer in the Kitchen.

***Photo from 25ToFly***

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